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Operation Ukraine


The aim of this outreach is to carry out mass sterilization and vaccination in the West of Ukraine, where there are many abandoned dogs and cats. Qualified vets, nurses, and technicians are invited to join our outreach for a set 2 week mission, serving stray animals, shelter animals, and pets in low-income areas. We believe every animal should receive treatment and stand a chance at a happy and healthy future and since many pets have been abandoned and are living on the streets, we are looking for volunteers to bring this care to animals affected by war.

If you want to discover more about our work in Ukraine since 2022, you can head to this page. 


  • Help sterilize stray animals abandoned due to the war

  • Provide care to owners needing support for their pets

  • High volume spay and neuter

  • Make an impact where it is really needed

  • Work in a dynamic field environment

  • Visit historical Lviv city on your time off

  • Immerse yourself in Ukrainian culture and society

  • Evenings at leisure to enjoy the beautiful areas surrounding our location

  • Work with a welcolming team of likeminded animal advocates

Project video

During your stay you may have the chance to operate in our mobile veterinary clinic trailer, or be based in a static building. It is important to note that most of the time we do not work in a vet clinic, but rather in buildings like schools, hospitals and outhouses which have been temporarily set up for our use. As such we require vets who are confident and competent at providing surgical intervention in a field setting.

We require volunteers to be flexible, open minded, and with a good sense of humour. The whole team works together and gets stuck in to assist one another. You may need it pick up the occasional poop, help catch and move animals, clean up your surgical area and cages at the end of each day. As with all of our project locations, we perform medicine and surgery to the highest standards. We utilise intramuscular induction of anaesthesia, propofol top-ups, place intravenous cathaters, and provide good analgesia. Whilst we expect each vet to do 10 or more sterilizations each day (much higher for those with high-volume experience) we never compromise quality for quantity.



  • Induciton of anaesthesia

  • Sterilisation (dog and cat) 

  • Pyometra surgery

  • Critical care of injured animals

  • Diagnostic work up of sick or injured animals

  • Vaccinations

  • Consultations

  • Surgery preparation

  • Post surgery/consult cleaning

Nurses and techincians

  • Cathing and moving dogs and cats

  • Induciton of anaesthesia under vet's guidance

  • Intravenous cathater placements

  • Monitorig anesethesia

  • Scrubbing in to assit with  surgery when needed

  • Recovery of patients

  • Post surgery/consult cleaning

Schedule for your mission:

  • Sunday – Arrive to Warsaw (Poland) and night in hotel

  • Monday – by train to Lviv. Arrival, orientation, safety briefing and preparation of surgical area

  • Tuesday to Saturday – Sterilisation, vaccinations and vet care

  • Sunday – Day off. Option to visit Lviv and local towns

  • Monday to Friday - Sterilisation, vaccinations and vet care

  • Saturday - Train to Warsaw. Night in hotel.

  • Sunday – fly home.

Project Photos


You will be accommodated in single or shared same sex accommodation, close to where we will be carrying out our veterinary clinic. The rooms are clean and comfortable with ensuite bathrooms and hot and cold running water. Your bedding will be provided for you, and laundry can be done at an extra personal cost. Three meals a day will be provided. Breakfast will be eaten at the residence, lunch is normally a packed lunch and eaten on-site at the clinic, and dinner will either be at the residence or provided for us at a local eatery. 

We enjoy local Ukrainian food whilst carrying out our mission, and can accommodate alternative diets for vegetarians and vegans if notified in advance. Wi-Fi is not included guaranteed in the accommodation, so we suggest setting your local Sim card to roam in Ukraine.


Lviv Oblast is a district in the west of Ukraine. We will be providing veterinary care in a number of different villages around the city of Lviv, 70 KM from the Polish border. Depending on the need at the time we could be anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours away from the city, focusing on animals that have been abandoned as owners crossed out Ukraine. Lviv oblast is a beautiful area with small villages amid forests and farming communities.

Ukraine itself is based on the Western Edge of Europe. The country is steeped in history having been caught up in the 1st and 2nd world war, the Holocaust, the Chernobyl disaster, and past invasions by Russia in 2014. Despite this turbid experience, Ukraine it is a beautiful country with a strong agricultural, mining, and engineering economy. Before 2022, Ukraine welcomed 10 million international visitors a year and was the 8th most popular destination in Europe. It offers skiing, seaside visits, hiking in huge forests and beautiful old European architecture. Offering unique delights including Borscht (soup), Varenyky (dumplings), Deruni (Potato Pancakes), fresh fruits, and cured meats, the diet here is varied and delicious.


This is a sponsored outreach mission and as such volunteers are asked to reach Warsaw under their own means. From there your train to Ukraine, accommodation, and food will be covered as well as your train back to Warsaw after your 2 weeks of work. 

  • Pre departure assistance with planning your trip from one of our destination specialists

  • Train to and from Ukraine

  • 3 meals a day

  • Accommodation (shared)

  • Scrub top for working

Not included:

  • Flights to Warsaw

  • Alcohol or soft drinks

  • Visas (if required)

  • Required: Personal medical insurance. Optional: trip/flight/luggage insurane


This project runs on the following dates


  • 8th - 19th April 2024

  • 29th April - 10th of May, 2024


  • 7th -18th April 2025

  • 28th April - 9th May 2025


You will fly in to Warsaw on Sunday before your mission starts and head to WARSAW  SCHODNIA train station for 20.30 pm. 

Train one departs Sunday at 21.32 pm WARSAW WSCHODNIA to Rava Ruska in Ukraine, takes 6 hours 43 minutes. Arrival is 5.15 am

You will then change trains in the little station of Rava Ruska

Train two departs at 6.15 am Rava Ruska to Lviv, takes 1 hour 32 minutes. Arrival is 7.47 am

You will arrive in Ukraine on Monday and we will collect you with a worldwide Vets sign at Lviv and transfer you by car to our accommodation (approx. 2 hours) to unpack, shower and rest for the morning. The afternoon will be your safety and veterinary induction, and we will all prepare our surgery area for the fist day of work on Tuesday.


Our last working day is Friday and you will leave Ukraine the next day (Saturday).

Train one departs Lviv at 7.14 am to Rava Ruska. It takes 1 hour and 24 minutes and arrival is 8.38 am.

You will then change trains in the little station of Rava Ruska

Train two departs at 9.20 am Rava Ruska to WARSAW WSHODINA. It takes 6 hour 38 minutes. Arrival is 15.58pm on Saturday night. 

Once in Poland, your onward journey is at your own planning and cost. Most volunteers choose to spend a night in Warsaw (at our partnered hotel), go for a last meal with their team, and fly out on Sunday. 

Volunteer feedback

Sarah Stephenson

September 2023

"Going to the Ukraine to spay and neuter cats and dogs left behind from citizens fleeing the conflict was truly a blessing of a trip! I can not wait to return! We were well trained in the event a combat situation occurred near where we were working. The motto of Worldwide Vets is, “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you,” and this is truly the case with this trip. We worked all day for several days at a shelter with 3200 dogs and 6 employees! These folks are hard working, delightful to know, and completely dedicated to the animals! I encourage you to jump in and go if you are interested, you will not be disappointed!"

Jon Geller

September 2023

"My recent experience working with the Worldwide Vets team in Ukraine was the highlight of my veterinary career. The spirit of collaboration, hard work, with plenty of fun to go around, made the experience unforgettable. Working elbow to elbow with Ukranian veterinarians in the wartime environment created strong bonds despite the language barrier. Dr. Campling proved to be an excellent leader and worked hard to create a safe and positive experience for volunteers.!


We want you to join us in Ukraine helping animals affected by the war. If you have the time and experience to join us, please email and include a basic review of your experience, and your vet/nurse/technician licence number. 


Spend 2 weeks on our flagship wildlife capture course getting hands on with relocation, captures and vet work, supplemented by lectures & theory.

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Volunteer on the tropical island of Zanzibar, helping the clinic with all aspects of their work. From surgery and nursing to re-homing and rehabilitation.

Zanzibar Vet Clinic

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